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  • I can no longer follow through on my commitment in a league, do you offer a refund or have a cancellation policy?
    All refunds are subject to a 5% administration fee. ​ A refund will be given to teams / Free Agents if: A program is cancelled or we are unable to find you a team (Free Agents only) A credit to Off Limit Sports programs will be given to teams if: A Team or Free Agent requests a refund no later than 30 days before the start of a program Teams or Free Agents requesting refunds within 30 days of the start of a program are responsible for: Finding a Team or Free Agent replacement for the same program, coordinating with this Team or Free Agent to settle any monetary costs associated with participation in the program, and informing Off Limit Sports of the replacement Team or Free Agent For more information, visit our refund and cancellation policy page here.
  • What other events do you offer?
    In addition to leagues and tournaments we offer clinics where you’ll get the chance to work directly with a coach to improve your skills. Click here to learn more. We also run corporate events for you and your work colleagues. Bring them into the Off Limit Sports family with an amazing dedicated event planned just for you. Click here to learn more.
  • How do I get involved with Off Limit Sports?
    We are always looking to grow and expand the Off Limit Sports team. We regularly hire coordinators to support our onsite league facilitation, to apply click here. Are you a coach? Reach out to us at to see how you can support our clinics.
  • Why play with Off Limit Sports?
    We not only run the programs, we play in them as well. Program formats are based on what we feel will maximize good gameplay and being social. Coordinators are on-site for all leagues to set up, tear down and provide all equipment needed for each sport. There are regular tournaments throughout the year and we will often post contests and deals offering discounts on programs.
  • What is All-in Sports and Recreation?
    All-in Sports and Recreation is an organization working on several great community initiatives and we are looking to help support by spreading the word. All-in Sports and Rec empowers recreational players like never before. Your feedback matters, and it is committed to incorporating it into gameplay format, rule adjustments, and to foster even stronger community connections. For more information visit and feel to connect with them directly.
  • I have a question that is not listed here, how do I get a hold of someone at Off Limit Sports?
    Email us at, or use the chat feature on the bottom right hand side of our site to ask your question right now.
  • How do I get Off Limit Sports merch?
    All league and tournament winners get one of our famous Off Limit Sports merch! There will be opportunities throughout the season to win merch, but you got to play for a chance to win.
  • What is LeagueApps?
    LeagueApps is a third party provider that allows us to power registration, payments, messaging, scheduling, reporting, and more, so that you joining Off Limit Sports is as smooth as possible. Download the app to get notifications about your games, know when you are playing and see your league standings.
  • What methods of payment are accepted?
    We offer credit card payments which can be made directly on the website during the time of registration. Note that there is an additional 5% processing fee for all credit card payments. Alternatively, you can also send an electronic money transfer to to save on this processing fee.
  • Why do I see a 18% processing fee when registering?
    We get it, this feels like a lot. There is a standard 13% HST plus a 5% merchant processing fee for all credit card payments to support the use of LeagueApps. To avoid this additional 5% processing fee, we offer an option to send an electronic money transfer to (you will only pay the 13% HST.)
  • What ages are acceptable?
    Off Limit Sports is a recreational, adult, social sports, program provider that caters to 19+ years old. Depending on the sport program, we typically see an average range between mid/high 20s to mid/high 30s.
  • I'm trying to register for a league but it's greyed out on the registration page. Is this a glitch?
    No glitch. When the skill level is greyed out it means that this particular league is either closed for registration or not actively running until next season. We ask you to add your name to the waitlist and we'll be in touch if a spot becomes available or if anything changes.
  • How do I register for a league or tournament?
    1) Head on over to the OLS site and select the league that you are interested in. 2) Click on the level associated with the league you want to sign up for. Note; that if a level is greyed out it means this particular league is either closed for registration or not actively running until next season. Add your name to the waitlist and we'll be in touch if a spot becomes available or anything changes. 3) Once on this page you'll be able to review the league details including start/end times, duration of the league, details on skill level as well as any special offers or discounts. 4) Scroll to the bottom and select the league under the correct type of player you are signing up as (Team Captain, Free Agent or Team Player) 5) After logging in, click register, confirm your player type and follow the prompts on the screen to secure your spot.
  • I see that the league is full, is there anything I can do to still play?
    If your first choice of league is full there are a few things you can do. 1) Sign up to be on the waitlist - we'll notify you if a spot becomes available. 2) Check to see if the same league is available on another night or location that you could sign up for instead. 3) Check out the other leagues we offer and maybe give a different sport a try.
  • What's the difference between a Team Captain, Free Agent, and Team Player?
    We offer three different ways to register. Double check to make sure you are signing up under the correct category. 1) Team Captain - You are ready to sign up and pay for your team 2) Team Player - Your captain registered your team and you need to join the roster 3) Free Agent - You are signing up solo (or with some friends) and need us to find you a team
  • I see you asked for my shirt size in the registration process, does this mean we will be getting uniforms?
    No, we do not offer uniforms, but we encourage teams to find their own way to show their team spirit when they show up for games. We ask for shirt sizes because we offer clothing as prizes to the league and tournament champions. This gives us an idea of what to have on hand.
  • Playoffs are coming up, where can I find playoff specific details?
    Playoffs are an exciting time, but there are some slight changes to how your games will be play or scored, so it's important to read over the specifics for your league. Check the OLS site 1) Log into your portal on the OLS site and select your league. 2) Click your team name, then "View Playoff Brackets and Info". You can also click on the league, then schedule, then "View Playoff Brackets and Info" We will also send out an email to all teams leading up to playoffs with a few key reminders.
  • What are the various skill levels for each league?
    Overall there are four different skills levels for our leagues: Recreational, Intermediate, Advanced, and Competitive. Each sport has it's own definition for each skill level, so be sure to check out the Skill Levels page to learn more.
  • How do I check my game schedule and standings?
    LeagueApps! The best way to stay on top of your games is to download LeagueApps Play. You can also log into the members portal (top right corner of our website), click on your league and find all the information you need right there.
  • Will my games start at the same time each week?
    On a typical weeknight, games run between 6pm-10pm, however your start time may change week to week. For example, you can start at 6:30pm one week and then 8:15pm the next. We adjust the start times to ensure fairness for all teams so it's best to check your schedule on a regular basis to know when you are playing. Weekend leagues could have games running between 9am-11pm depending on the sport/location.
  • How much playing time will I get each league night?
    The playing time varies per league. It can range anywhere from 40 mins to 100 mins total, and you will often play multiple teams. Breaks are allotted between games so you will be at the venue for a little longer than the total playing time.
  • What is a tiered/ladder league and how does it differ from normal leagues?
    The difference between a tiered/ladder league and a normal league is in how they are organized and how teams are grouped and ranked. Tiered/ladder leagues organize participants into tiers or divisions based on skill level, and allow for movement based on game results. Given the changing nature of team ranking, the schedule can only be sent out a few days ahead of time. It's also very important to ensure you keep score and communicate this score to your coordinator as the points will effect your ranking for the following week.
  • How will I be notified if my games are cancelled?
    We will only cancel games in the event of: Facility closure - in the event the facility will be closed we will do our best to notify you as early as possible via email. Weather - if weather impedes game play such as snow storms or rain/lightning, we will notify you as soon as possible. Keep in mind cancellations could happen during gameplay if the weather becomes severe. All games are still on unless you hear otherwise. Visit our policy page for more details.
  • What are the expectations on sportsmanship?
    At Off Limit Sports, we value integrity, respect, and fair play. As a participant in our leagues we ask that you conduct yourself in a manner that reflects these values. For more information please see our policy.
  • Someone on my team is not able to make it to a game, how do I get a sub?
    We strongly encourage you to try and find your own subs, however we can support you if you are stuck. Connect with your league coordinator if you know you won't be able to make it to an upcoming game. Reach out to the other players in your league to see if someone can come earlier or stay later. Lastly, feel free to reach out to us at and we will do our absolute best to find you a sub. Note that there is no guarantee we will be able to find someone but we will do our best.
  • Where do I find the rules for each league?
    Whether you've played before or are band new to the sport, we highly recommend reviewing the rules for your league. Although rules tend to be similar for each sport, there might be some slight variations that are specific to Off Limit Sports. Be sure to review them here:
  • As a player, am I responsible for setting up or bringing any equipment?
    No! We have coordinators on-site for all our leagues who will set up, tear down and bring all the equipment (i.e. balls, nets, softball bases, paddles etc.) you'll need to play. You do however need to bring clothes and footwear to be active in. You are required to bring your own softball gloves and bats for our softball leagues.
  • Where do I find my lost or forgotten items?
    If you happen to leave any personal items behind at one of our gym facilities, fields, or program locations, we will store them with our equipment. You can pick them up the next time we have a permit to access the facility. Please note that we do not own the facilities and are unable to access them outside of our permitted times. Most facilities have strict rules that allow entry only when our programs are in session. For any updates or further inquiries, feel free to email us at
  • I've registered for a league, now what?
    You've officially secured your spot in the league! The next steps are to: 1) Build your roster. There are 2 ways to do this: Option 1: Do it on behalf of your team 1) Login to the OLS site 2) Go to your Dashboard 3) Click on "Manage or Add players" 4) Click "Invite Player" and add their email addresses Option 2: Your players can join the team themselves 1) Have them register as a "Team Player" for your league on the OLS site 2) Click "Register" and then Team Player (if not logged in already you will be prompted to log into LeagueApps 3) Follow the onscreen instructions to request a roster spot on the desired team 4) Captains will have to login, go to the "Manage or Add Players" section and confirm any "Pending Player Invites"
  • How long before the schedule is posted for our games?
    Schedules are typically posted anywhere from 1 week to a couple of days before your first game. There are a number of ways in which you can stay up-to-date on your upcoming games: Check the OLS site 1) Log into your portal on the OLS site and select your league. 2) Click your team name then schedule to view your specific games OR click on the league then schedule to view games for all teams. This is also where playoff information can be found. LeagueApps Play App Download LeagueApps Play and you'll get notifications for your upcoming games. Email from OLS We will send out a league kick off email prior to your first game with a few additional reminders.
  • My Team Captain signed me up, now what?
    There are a few things you can do now that your Captain registered. Make sure you have created a LeagueApps profile. You can do this by logging into the OLS site If your Captain hasn't already added you to the roster, be sure to add yourself. Follow these quick steps: 1) Register as a "Team Player" for your league on the OLS site 2) Click "Register" and then Team Player (if not logged in already you will be prompted to log into LeagueApps 3) Follow the onscreen instructions to request a roster spot on the your team 4) Note that your Captain will have to login, go to the "Manage or Add Players" section and confirm any "Pending Player Invites" Download LeagueApps Play to stay up-to-date on your league details, see game times and standings. Start counting down the days until your first game!
  • How many players would you place on a free agent team?
    We will typically have enough players to cover all the spots on a team, plus some extra players for subs. The amount of extra players are based on the sport. I.e. Volleyball = 7 players Softball = 11-12 players Pickleball = 2 players Trampoline dodgeball = 8-10 players
  • Why are extra players on a team roster?
    Teams, specifically free agent teams, have trouble finding subs when a player cannot play on any given night. Having the extra players helps to prevent teams from playing shorthanded.
  • Why do you wait so long to let me know if I will be on a team?
    Waiting until we close registration a few days before the start of league allows us to get the whole pool of free agents so we create teams based on common things, rather than randomly assigning free agents when they register.  We do give priority to the free agents that registered earlier rather than later.
  • If I register as a free agent, am I guaranteed a spot in the league?
    No. Free agent placement is dependent on how many free agents sign-up and how many teams still need players. We would either make a free agent team if we have enough players or contact all the teams in the league to see who still has roster spots available on their team. It is possible that a league would be full with no room for a free agent team, and no team in need of more players.
  • As a free agent, will you randomly put me with other free agents on a team?
    No. We try to create free agent teams based on what we think might be a good fit. We wait until we have the entire pool of free agents and then group them based on things such as skill level, competitiveness, positions played, age, etc.
  • What happens if you don't find me a team?
    We will continue to try to find you a team until after the first night of games.  If we are still unsuccessful, we will fully refund your registration fee or move you to another program of your choice (if there's room).
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