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Sub List Conditions


Want to play more?
You're in the right place!

DO NOT unsubscribe from any Sub List emails.

Instead, contact us and we will remove you.

"Unsubscribing" will remove you from all critical league info, cancellations, update, etc.

Primary Goals

Giving more playing time.

Connecting more people to create friendships/communities.

Opportunity to try a new sport/format without committing to a season.

Teams won't forfeit games or play short-handed.

Pay ZERO dollars.

So much more.


Must be registered (any sport) in the current or previous season

Exceptions made on a case-by-case basis.

Register to a program Sub List (FREE )

Reply "Yes" to any Sub Request emails (no maybe's OR no's)

Ways to be booted out;

Confirming Yes and not showing up.

Also, being late doesn't help.

Not being honest regarding skill level and/or position

Final Words

This is a heavily managed service which we feel adds tremendous value to continue growing a phenomenal, social, active, adult, community.  The more programs you are registered for, the more we appreciate your support, and the more you will be recognized for substitute opportunities.

If you're unsure or have questions, email us!

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